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  • Annabelle

What is social media engagement and why is it important?

Instagram and/or Twitter engagement is one of the social media services I offer to my clients. To those who do not have a Social Media Manager, or are not clued up on social media techniques, daily engagement can seem a little pointless. Daily engagement means spending time, I recommend at least 5 hours a week, engaging with other accounts who fit your target audience in the form of likes, comments, retweets, shares etc.

Daily engagement is a crucial way to increase your social media following and how people engage with your page. I offer social media engagement to two clients - one focuses on Instagram and the other focuses on Twitter and Instagram. The client who focuses on Instagram engagement has, in particular, seen massive changes to her following. We have managed to almost double her Instagram following in three months (we are 15 people away from doubling!) - which is particularly amazing as she is unable to work at the moment due to Coronavirus. Her following has increased organically, with people who fit her target audience. She has great images, is consistent in her posting and has awesome captions. All combined together, with my engagement service, means she is rocking Instagram!

I recommend spending at least 5 hours a week undertaking engagement. This adds up to 20 hours a month and 10 working days over the year. Imagine how much you could do with an extra two working weeks in the year! What could you accomplish? By outsourcing your social media engagement you can gain back 10 working days a year and watch your social media pages soar!

Interested in learning more, or hearing about the other services I offer? You can contact me by filling out the form on the contact page.

Stay safe

A x

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