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  • Annabelle

A 'Goal Getters' guide to goal setting

Recently I have been doing 1:1 mindset sessions with the dancers in my dance school. Covid has resulted in a complete stop in the competitive dancing world, meaning we have been having classes on Zoom and we haven’t competed in almost a year. Highly competitive dancers, like the ones in my dance school, have been used to attending 4 classes a week and competing up and down the country at least twice a to say, this halt has left a lot of dancers feeling lost.

I recently completed an NLP Diploma with Suzanne James and absolutely loved it - so, I have been trying to implement these new skills in my mindset classes. At the end of the sessions, we discuss goal setting and how to effectively set goals. Setting goals is the first step in achieving your dreams - because you can’t make a plan without an end goal.

How do you know what to work on if you don’t know what you want?

Writing down your goals on a regular basis makes you 42% more likely to achieve them (Josh Carle). But, there is more to it than just writing them down.

By vividly imagining these goals as you write them, you help to engage both sides of the brain. You have to feel it to be true.

There are a few ways to goal set:

· yearly (you can do bigger, e.g. 3 years, but the world is susceptible to change right now that this could be hard for goal setting beginners)

· Monthly

· Weekly

· Daily

I cannot vouch for everyone as you have to find a system that works for you, but this is how I goal set. My daily goals are set the night before in my Bullet Journal. These are things that are additional to my daily client tasks or calls such as writing a blog/reading my book/working on one of my courses. These daily goals are things that will take my closer to my monthly goals.

My weekly goals are normally things that I save for a weekend when I have more time. These are tasks that I can do which bring me closer to my monthly goals, which then impact my yearly goals. Last weekend my goals were to write this blog (as I am trying to work on publishing more blog-based content), cleaning out some of the draws in my room (as decluttering is a great way to feel more in control) and to plan my social media for the week ahead (so that I have more time in the week to work on additional goals).

I also set 5 monthly goals at the end of each month, for the month ahead. These cover a range of areas in my life from my business, my dancing and personal development. I normally aim to read a certain number of books each month, write a certain number of blogs...etc. I set monthly goals that will help me work towards my yearly goals.

I think long and hard about my yearly goals and I try to stretch myself in all areas of my life. This year I have the goal to run a charity race, to read 20 books, to donate hair to The Little Princess Trust...etc. I set 10 goals for the year and use my monthly goals to work towards them.

One of my personal favourite yearly goals from last year was to work on stop saying the word ‘sorry’ unnecessarily.Last year I reviewed and changed some of my yearly goals as they were no longer possible due to Covid and none of us saw 2020 turning out the way that it did.

My advice would be to set goals that you are passionate about...goals that make your heart happy. There’s no point making a goal that doesn’t excite you as you won’t want to do the work to accomplish it (and it will take work!). Setting goals keeps me focused and motivated in all aspects of my life and they help me to measure small steppingstones of success, which all align to big my goals.

Goal setting is one of the surest ways to success.

I would love to hear how you set your goals. Comment below and let me know.

If you want to work with me in 2021, I have a wait list for VA and Social Media clients. You can still work with me on my Instagram Re-Vamp and Instagram Overhaul packages - there are 3 places available for the month on February. You can find details about them here

Contact me using the contact button for a free call to discuss all options.

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